Monday, August 27, 2007

Packing in the Last of the Summer Fun

Summer is winding down here, but we have some "annual events" to accomplish in the short time that Brooke is home. We spent some time on the lake Sunday afternoon. It's always fun when we can share that with some of our college kids. Just three were back on Sunday, plus Brooke.

Brooke & Brennan are getting some good use out of the trampoline tonight. We'll see if they make it the whole night! They even have a laptop out there to watch movies. This will probably be the extent of the camping this year.

*Update: They made it until about 6:30 a.m., when a pretty bad storm with lots of lightening blew in. Brooke was a little concerned about lying in water while their shelter was supported by metal poles. :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

that's so cool! I'm so jealous!