Sunday, May 04, 2008

Graduation, A Shower, & Randomness

Today at church we honored our graduates.

Then, after church we had a bridal shower for Amy. Here is the teacup cake that Bonnie made. It was awesome!!
We will miss Amy!!

Tammy made the gorgeous quilt.
The Wychopens were here from Taiwan!!! Hannah gave a devotional for the shower and did a great job! It was fun to have them here today and hear all about what they've been doing this past year. Tad preached in the main service. It was great!
This is the randomness in this post. A typical Sunday afternoon at our house.


Unknown said...

The cake looked gorgeous. I miss everyone there. Tell them I say hi.

Beth said...

when am I getting some of that lilac soap and room spray?! I saw it on your other blog and i will buy it if you want!!!

AnneB said...

I love that adorable cake Bonnie made! And the quilt from Tammy looks so beautiful! I miss everyone up I love it when you post pictures! You need to do a post with pictures of some of the kiddos that have grown up so much since we left 3 years ago!

AnneB said...

what is Brennan doing?

sc3b said...

He is shooting BB's at random people on the trampoline.