Saturday, April 07, 2007


I love this time of year, with spring coming on and the reminder of new life! I'm so thankful that Jesus came, died & most importantly rose again - so that we can have new life.

The girls came home last night for the weekend. So, everything is as it should be...we are all here! :) Our Northland students are all coming over for Easter dinner. I have two hams, twice baked potatoes, corn, lettuce salad, a fruit salad, AND...the most wonderful, "Slap Your Granny Pie" (it's the best!!) ready to go.

My hoya plant bloomed yesterday...just in time. The flowers are two perfect stars on top of each other. The bottom star looks like velvet and the top star looks like plastic. The fakest looking real flowers I have ever seen, but they are so perfect!! That plant is the best plant I have ever had - just keeps on growing! I love it!!!

I was up until 2 a.m. last night looking at wedding cake recipes. I really must start putting more time into wedding things because every night this week when I went to bed my head began racing over all that needs to be done. I hope I get SOME sleep between now and July. Shhhhh...don't tell Bethany, she will feel bad!!

1 comment:

Adele said...

I came across your blog due to the Northland blogger web site list. I clicked on one blog, then another, and that blog had your name listed, so I clicked on yours as well.

My name is Adele Rice now, but you knew me as Adele Burt. I attended Union Grove Christian School.

I'm married (I guess that's obvious from my name!) and we have two boys who are 4 and almost 2. My husband is currently the interim pastor a church, but we are also appointees with ABWE. We are still trying to choose a field and have a survey trip to Slovakia planned the beginning of May.

My blog address is I have some pictures of my boys on there.

Happy Easter!