Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend did not end up being what I had intended, but, oh well. I was supposed to be in a craft show and the kids were supposed to go to a hockey game in Green Bay. It ended up that the roads were nasty, so no hockey game, and then we had a funeral, so no craft show. But it was a good weekend, church was good and we learned about serving each other. It was a good message.

Joe and his brother, Peter were here for the weekend, and for some reason Joe ended up doing jobs with rubber gloves - weird. First he worked on our laptop that died...and he didn't want to get shocked. Then, for some off the wall reason he died Brooke's hair. Bethany spent lots of time working on her paper for Corinthians. Brennan & Peter just wrestled and did all sorts of crazy stuff with my exercise ball. (Sorry, no pictures of that!)


Christina said...

I see he's become part of the family :-) Those pictures are too funny, but that is SO Joe! And Brooke's hair looks great!

AnneB said...

Titus arrived last night 11-16-06 at 9:54pm. It was a much quicker labor than I expected and I was in denia when they told me that it was time for me to! We will post soem more pictures soon. We will try to call sometime in the next week...long time not chat on my part, but Mark and I think of you all and pray for Northwoods often. You all are such dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

AnneB said...

Wow, that reminds me of some of the off the wall things that I did when Pillsbury was on the extension and we had a nice wrestling match in the living room. Good thing you can't post that video you shot! Ha Ha Ha
Oh the good times we had. Tell all at Northwoods Hi and we love them. I know that the Lord will give us an opportunity to visit sometime. 'Til then we miss you and will have to keep this correspondence up.
Mark Brumbaugh

Anonymous said...

Wow... so this is the "hangout" spot for all former Northwoods extension go-ers! I was just taking a peek and saw comments from everyone I know! Can't believe how long it has been. Miss all of you and hope that everyone is doing well. I don't have a blog spot yet, but my email is up and kicking...

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, can you please cover up my bald spot in the first picture? Thanks.

sc3b said...

Well, I debated about posting it, but it was a toss up: show the cute gloves / don't show the bald spot. Cute gloves won!!